Dig deeper into the first competence area of Sales microcourses: Customer understanding

Customer understanding skills help salespeople become trusted advisors who can guide customers toward solutions that genuinely meet their needs, leading to more successful and mutually beneficial outcomes.

Customer understanding

Unlock sales success: master customer understanding with our microcourses!

Dive into a world of personalized communication, trust-building techniques, and expert insights that will take your sales approach to the next level

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Customer profile mapping

This microcourse will give you tips on how to take the first and perhaps most important step in the proactive sales process: mapping the target customers.

Part 1

Choosing customer profiles

Gain insights into target customer selection, which requires a well-done customer profiling of the target market.


Sales story creation

Learn how to write an effective sales story, that pulls together all the information and understanding about the customer.


Making use of buyer personas

Learn how to use buyer personas to boost sales performance.


Managing customer expectations

Customer expectation management obliges the salesperson to look at their own sales process through the eyes of the buyer.


Understanding the buying process

Understanding the customer buying process is essential to target your message to the right people at the right time.


Any successful sales process starts with understanding the customer

Embark on a journey to sales mastery where every triumph begins with a simple truth: understanding your customer.

Customer understanding involves understanding the needs, preferences, behaviors, motivations, challenges, and expectations of customers. This understanding goes beyond superficial data and delves into the underlying factors that drive customer decisions.

Customer understanding can be a competitive advantage, as it allows a salesperson to differentiate themselves by providing a higher level of service and understanding compared to competitors.

Why customer insight is essential in sales

In essence, sales thrive on insight. Customer understanding empowers salespeople to provide value beyond just products or services.

Customer understanding is crucial in sales for several reasons:

  • Personalization: when salespeople truly understand their customers, they can tailor their approach and recommendations to match the specific needs and preferences of each individual customer.

  • Effective Communication: Understanding the customer's communication style and preferences allows salespeople to communicate more effectively.

  • Building Trust: When customers feel that a salesperson understands their unique situation and needs, they are more likely to trust the recommendations and solutions provided.

  • Identifying Opportunities: a deep understanding of customers allows for more targeted and relevant sales efforts.